Deborah Bigelow

5 Articles

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Cannonball! Fearlessly Facing Midlife and Beyond

Schmidt identifies with women’s issues and writes with encouragement and warmth. Her suggestions can easily be implemented and will give readers the courage and push they need to move forward. Recommended for all women approaching or past the midlife marker.

The Gift: 12 Lessons To Save Your Life

Eger’s particularly wise book based on personal experience and clinical practice is highly recommended.

Overwhelmed and Over It: Embrace Your Power To Stay Centered and Sustained in a Chaotic World

Helpful for women willing to do some soul-searching to shift course and focus on what really matters to them..

Break the Curse: A Template for Change; 10 Steps To Restart Your Life

An accessible book full of straightforward recommendations that are bound to help those looking to overcome life’s difficulties.

Anxiety First Aid Kit: Quick Tools for Extreme, Uncertain Times

What’s enticing about this book is its no-nonsense guide to feeling better. Ideal for these unsettling times; highly recommended for general readers.

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