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The Watchmaker of Filigree Street -- HIPPO TEST

The book that launched her career, and the first in a lovely, meandering set of connected tomes.

The Four Winds

With poignant prose documenting historical scenarios but also invoking currently resonant issues—environmental responsibility, immigration and displacement, workers’ and women’s rights, social ills laid bare by calamity

The Elephant Whispers

Fans of historical fiction will appreciate this well-written, character-driven tale.

Invisible Girl

Suspense fans will devour this twisted tale of intricately interwoven characters. The many turns will surprise and keep readers thinking long after they’ve finished.

Thinking About the Prophets

This fascinating and erudite account by Seeskin subtly argues for an Old Testament God concept that is far richer and more evocative than the limited vision of many philosophers. Readers interested in learning about biblical prophets will find much to uncover.

The Ninja’s Blade

Lily and the secondary characters are rich and complicated, and details about martial arts and Chinese culture add depth to the story. While it isn’t necessary to have read the previous book in the series to enjoy this one, readers won’t understand the extent of Lily’s emotional conflict without that context. This series continues to impress and should find a wide, appreciative audience.

Goodnight Beautiful

Along with a rip-roaring suspense plot, Molloy adds depth with critiques of gender conventions that causes readers to investigate the assumptions they bring to the text. She breathes new life into the unreliable narrator thriller genre in a book everyone will be talking about.

Chicano Eats: Recipes from My Mexican-American Kitchen

Readers will be inspired to try Castillo’s accessible and appetizing Mexican American family recipes.

Who Gets in and Why: A Year Inside College Admissions

This well-researched work is an invaluable tool for college-bound students and their families, guidance counselors, and college admissions personnel.
45 articles

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